- Beyond the Words
- Boundless Music
- Over a Look
- absteiner-retromobil
- absteiner-stehendefrau
- absteiner-zukunftsvision
- andreabsteiner
- Cars - Fifties 1 100x100
- Cars - Fifties 2 100x100
- Cars - Mercedes 9 80x80 cm
- Cars - Sportiv 80x80
- Cars - Sportiv 1 100x100 cm
- Cars - Sportiv 3 100x100 cm
- Cars - Wartende 100x120 cm
- Cars Black 100x100 cm
- Cars Blue 100x100
- Cars Green 80x80 cm
- Cars Mercedes 80x80 cm
- Cars Red 80x80 cm
- Cars Silver 100x100 cm
- after an hour, 100x100
- arabic shadows, 100x100
- beyond the limitation, 120x100 cm, mt, 2011
- boundless contact, 100x120 cm, mt, 2011
- break the limit, 60x80 cm, mt, 2011
- class society, 60x60
- Crazy . 80x100
- date, 120x100, mt
- Eva and the new Bible, 120x100
- expo 2008 100x120
- freedom ideological 100x120 2008
- freedom no freedom 2 100x100 2008
- freedom of the press 2008 100x120
- freedom to be autonomous 120x100 2008
- freedom to leave 100x120 2008
- game, 80x130
- holiday, 100x120
- individual, 60x60
- laugh with me, mt, 40x40
- les amis 100x150 cm
- light friens, 150x100
- Macho 2007 120x100
- Madame Celine 100x120 cm
- o.T., 100x120, mt-lw
- premiere, 120x100
- relax, 80x130, mt, 2009
- roses in the wind, 100x100
- Roxana, 60x60
- smoke, 40x40
- the athlete 100x100 cm mt auf leinen
- the dialog, 100x200
- the time, 100x120
- Tutu, 140x60
- waiting 80x120 cm mt auf leinen
- words & thoughts 100 x 150